Family Support Services

Wildflower recognizes the emotional, social, and spiritual strain that illness and end of life can bring. Listening to and participating in the life and end of life stories as seen through the eyes of family members is a meaningful part of the journey. At the Wildflower Intuitive Center, family members are important and have access to all the of the same therapeutic services, including clinical therapy components, Reiki treatments and support groups. We provide services to families at every phase of transition to help them cope with stress and grief. Individual sessions are provided, in addition to the Caregiver Café, a clinical support group that is specifically for those providing care to a medically complex child, infant or teen. There are additional accommodations made for other family members who are looking for support. As family members receive support, they can be. at their best to focus on the priority of supporting their loved one, their most valuable role.

hands in a circle